Futurist 17th August 2020

Leading the Way with Foresight – A Talk by Mr. Sylvain Rochon

Futurist 17th August 2020

Biography  of Mr.  Sylvain Rochon.  www.sylvainrochon.com

Biography of Mr. Sylvain Rochon

Sylvain is a futurist, serial entrepreneur, writer and author of “Engineering Paradise: Are You Ready?”  His education background in biochemistry, chemical engineering and education has helped him develop a reputation of being one of the best educators on futurism in his area.  Aside from his non-fiction book, Sylvain has published over 100 articles as a futurist, some of which were published in notable online periodicals like Data Driven Investor, The Startup and Becoming Human.  He has taught science and technology topics applied to real scenarios for over 20 years and has successfully built several entertainment and technology businesses for the past 15 years.  His main goal in this world is to help organizations self-determine their future, therefore created the title “Paradise Engineer” for himself in 2017 after writing his first book.  To this day, Sylvain tries to support as many groups as possible through mentorship, conferences and new business models, empowering them to dictate what the future should be like for themselves.

Foresight is a set of future scenario exploration techniques that have been in use since the 1960s when Dutch Shell Oil Company created a simple 1-man program to help prepare the company for what was to come.  Now, over 70% of all large companies in the world have some form of strategic or technology foresight capability.  The techniques work well to enhance a company’s capacity to respond to change, influence outside actors and enhance an organization’s capacity for organizational learning.  In an age where changes occur faster than ever thanks to exponential development of ideas and technology, efficient foresight techniques are becoming a must for organizations to be successful and resilient.  In this talk, Sylvain will describe what exactly is strategic foresight, technology foresight, and explain how they are used in today’s world.  He will help the audience understand the real impact of such techniques on the success of organizations, including education institutions and government.