Specific strategies for achieving the goals will be based on the tactical activities that are listed below:
- Center will have affiliate faculty from among the faculty of the institute. They will have secondary affiliation with the centre.
- Centre will have provision for regular or Adjunct Professor of Practice, Visiting Professor and Adjunct Professor to take its agenda forward.
- Centre will appoint Post-Docs with will-defined research agenda aligned to its goals, based upon requirements.
- An online Certification/Diploma/Degree on Strategic Foresight- Principles and Practice -in line with the institute commitment to NEP-2020.
- Constantly update the website.
- A DST conference – reactivate and conduct .
- Monthly expert talk.
- An International conference on Technology and Foresight – An ode to the Future.
- Creating a Board of Advisor and Expert associated the center.
- To work on embedding foresight in thee academic and research plan of departments/schools/IDRPs and/or Launching new IDPRs/schools/departments based upon Technology Foresight
- Train Policymakers, government officials, executives, managers and other professionals on Technology Foresight techniques.
- Produce Technology Foresight reports and presentations for private-sector and public-sector policymakers.
- Focus on target industries such as agriculture, healthcare , finance & insurance, transportation, supply chain, pharmaceutical & chemical, utilities & energy, education, IT infrastructure, telecommunications, Biotechnology, Manufacturing, etc.
- Identify evolving and futuristic technologies and nurturing them initially.
- Use methodologies such as: Scenario planning, Backcasting, Forecasting, Decision-Trees, Techcasting.
- Using partners for collaboration on foresight-based activities. for eg. Muliverz as an industrial partner can be looked at for: Techcasting: Multiverz is developing a platform for technology forecasting. IITJ could use and provide feedback on its functionality, Collective Intelligence: Multivers could establish a ‘prediction market’ for technology. IITJ could support its development, and evangelize student participation, Grand challenges: Multiverz could help identify and jointly pitch for such projects., Industry: Multiverz could work with IITJ on its SME transformation project and its subsequent scale up., Goverment: Multiverz could help design a program on anticipatory regulation, and R&D forecasting.